Essay/Term paper: The catcher in the rye (discuss why holden is a phony as the
Essay, term paper, research paper: Catcher in the Rye
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The Catcher in the Rye
Holden is just as phony and hollow as the people whom he criticizes.
Holden"s main problem is that he practically does not even view himself as part of the human race. He either believes himself to be either inferior or superior to the "rest of us."
Thoughout the novel certain instances occur that lead us to believe that Holden has a serious problem in seeing himself as normal. He spends an awful lot of time reflecting upon apperances. Worrying too much about how the people around him seem to be, and yet at times not even thinking of how he is coming off.
He fabricates such personalities as Jim Steele who is 22 and has a little encounter with a hooker in the begining of chapter 13. This Jim guy was sopposed to be this highly sexually experienced nonchalant casa-nova. When he really quotes himself to be as follows: "Caufield and his magic violin, boy. It"s corny I realize, but it isn"t too corny. I wouldn"t mind being pretty good at that stuff. Half the time, if you really want to know the truth, when I"m horsing around with a girl, I have a helluva lot of trouble just finding what I"m looking for, for God"s sake, if you know what I mean."